ADeus: Open-Source AI Wearable Device

Table of contents

  1. Introduction:
  2. Setup
    1. Prerequisite: ($110)
    2. Setup: Supabase
    3. Setup: App (Web)
    4. Setup: Hardware - Coral AI device
    5. Setup: Hardware - Rasberry Pi Zero W
    6. Setup: Run with Ollama
  3. How to Contribute:
  4. CTA for the Community:

In the upcoming world of AI devices like Tab, Pin, Rewind, that are with us all the time, literally listening to everything we say, and know much about us as our closest friends - it is crucial to be able to own this setup, to own our data, to have this completely open source, managed by the user itself.

This is Adeus, the Open Source AI Wearble device - and in this repo, you will be guided on how to set up your own! From buying the hardware (~$100, and will be cheaper once we finish the Raspberry PI Zero version) to setting up the backend, the software, and start using your wearable!

ADeus v0.1

p.s. any contribution would be amazing, whether you know how to code, and want to jump straight in to the codebase, a hardware person who can help out, or just looking to support this project financially (can literally be $10) - please reach out to me on X/Twitter @adamcohenhillel


Adeus consists of 3 parts:

  1. A mobile / web app: an interface that lets the user to interact with their assistant and data via chat.

  2. Hardware device (Currently Coral AI, but soon a Rasberry-Pi Zero W worth $15): this will be the wearable that will record everything, and send it to the backend to be processed
  3. Supabase : Our backend, and database, where we will process and store data, and interact with LLMs. Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative, a “backend-as-a-service” - which allows you to setup a Postgres database, Authentication, Edge Functions, Vector embeddings, and more - for free (at first) and at extreme ease!
    • [!!] But more importantly - it is open source, and you can choose to deploy and manage your own Supabase instance - which us crucial for our mission: A truly open-source, personal AI.

This will look something like: ADeus diagram


Note: I’m working on an easy file that will do everything here more or less automatically, but it is still in the making

A’ight, let’s get this working for you!

Prerequisite: ($110)

  1. Dev Board Micro ($80)
  2. Wireless/Bluetooth Add-on ($20)
  3. A case (Optional, 10$)
  4. Either an OpenAI key, or a Ollama server running somewhere you can reach via internet

Note: We are working on a version of this working with Raspberry PI Zero W, which will cost ~$20, stay tuned

First - cloning the repo:

git clone

Setup: Supabase

Check out

Setup: App (Web)

check out

Setup: Hardware - Coral AI device

First, to learn more about the device, it is good to check out the official docs. Our project is using out-of-tree setup with a Wireless Add-on.

Here is quick video showing how to “connect” the hardware pieces together, and install the software:

set up device video

In the root folder of this repository, run the following commands, (which will download the Coral AI Micro Dev dependencies to your computer - note that it might take a few minutes):

git submodule add devices/coralai/coralmicro
git submodule update --init --recursive

Then, when it is finished, CD to the devices/coralai folder:

cd devices/coralai

And run the setup script, which will make sure your computer can compile the code and pass it on to the device:

Note that if you’re using Apple Silicon Mac, you might need to change the coralmicro/scripts/requirements.txt file, making the version of the package hidapi==0.14.0 (see issue)

bash coralmicro/

Note: Security RLS best practices is still WOP! (see ticket #3)

Once the setup has finished running, you can connect your device via a USB-C, and run the following to create a build:

cmake -B out -S .
make -C out -j4

And then, flash it to your device with WIFI_NAME and WIFI_PASSWORD: (Bluetooth pairing is coming soon, see ticket

python3 coralmicro/scripts/ --build_dir out --elf_path out/coralmicro-app --wifi_ssid "<WIFI_NAME>" --wifi_psk "<WIFI_PASSWORD>"

To debug the device, you can connect to it serial-y via the USB-C.

First, find the serial id On Linux:

ls /dev/ttyACM*

On Mac:

ls /dev/cu.usbmodem*

Then run the script:

python3 --device "/dev/cu.usbmodem101"

(replace the /dev/cu.usbmodem* with whatever you got in the ls command)

Note: It might fail for the first few CURL requests, until it resolves the DNS

Setup: Hardware - Rasberry Pi Zero W

SOON! (cost $15, but need to solder a microphone)

Setup: Run with Ollama

How-to-Guide will be written here soon, but it should be fairly simple with Ollama serve and ngrok http 11434

brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok

How to Contribute:

As people will soon notice, my C++ skills are limited, as well as my React and hardware skills :P - any help would be amazing! Contributions are more than welcomed. This should be maintained by us, for us.

Build it for yourself, and build it for others. This can become the Linux of the OS, the Android of the mobile. It is raw, but we need to start from somewhere!

  • An easy setup script / deploy my own Ollama server to replace OpenAI ticket #6
  • Add How-to for Ollama setup (ticket #9)

CTA for the Community:

A lot of companies and organizations are now after building the “Personal AI” - the one that will be a companion for individuals. This will be a paradigm shift of the way we all experince the digital (and physical) realms. Interacting with our AI that knows a lot about us, and help us navigate the world.

The problem with all these initiatives, is that they don’t really provide you with your own personal AI. It’s not private, you don’t own it. As long as you don’t have a way to opt out, and take your so-called personal AI elsewhere, it’s not yours, you merely renting it from somewhere.

Personal AI should be like a personal computer, connected to the internet.

The pioneers of the personal computers, the internet, they all knew it - and that what made it great, a period of possibilities. But since, as we all know, things had drifted. You don’t own things, merely renting them. You can’t take it elsewhere - and therefore the free-market forces of capitalism can’t be easily integrated into the digital realm.

Check out the Intro video:

set up device video